About Us

Figure 1

Figure 1

Centerville Abstract Company has a foundation traceable to the early 1900s. Many prominent, well-respected citizens have played a role in the abstract company’s history and operations. As the ad in Figure 1 (published in the October 14th, 1908 Centerville Citizen) demonstrates, not only were they driven to succeed, but some were blessed with a true sense of humor.

A business does not survive 100 years unless its clients and constituents find value in its product and services.  The discipline of abstracting demands both patience and persistence.  It draws on a careful and thorough examination of public records and recording of events and changes that impact and affect clear land title.  An abstractor has been referred to as being one-third detective, one-third historian, and one-third perfectionist. Contemporary times found the following well-known and respected professionals serving as the lead abstractors: Rose Clark, Madeline Cummins, Lois Bowling, and Melanie Cowan.

In 2011, Michael D. Craver acquired the business, thus continuing the tradition of a well-respected, local-raised, community-minded and involved leader owning and operating the business. Equally important is continuation of the intimate, family-oriented operation that assures client satisfaction remaining at the top of its priority list. The wonderful historic building which houses the business at 303 West State Street in Centerville was built circa 1900 as the Liberty Hotel and has served as a boarding house, college dormitory, child care center and beauty shop before emerging as the legal headquarters for Craver Grothe & Cox law firm and Centerville Abstract Company.

Our professional abstractors, Mickie James and Denise Rietter, bring a combination of enthusiasm and friendly, client-orientation to promptly serving your needs. Our entire professional staff  is committed to assuring client satisfaction and take a special pride in the history and the role their business has played in the Centerville community.  Our historic 3200-square-foot building off the west side of the Centerville square has witnessed the determination and commitment exhibited by this wonderful, close knit community during the century marking Centerville Abstract’s existence.